viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2016

My Last Class

Hello everyone, this was my last class that I thought and I felt very confident. Also, that was the first listening class that I planning, but I consider that was a good class. the topic that we thought were “insects”. At the beginning, I considered that “insects” topic would be difficult to the children, but children were paying attention and they focus in the activities for the listening. The first part was the PRE, my classmate present the new vocabulary that kids will listen in DURING activities. He presented the colors, the insects, and the grammatical structure “I like, I don’t like.

To continue the class, the three “DURINGS” were meaningful because the children circling what was the listening about, they pasted the order that the listening present the insects, and the las one they painted the insects that use the structure “I like”, and  match the insects that use the structure2 I don’t like”.

To finish the class, the POST was about making a sentences using “I like or I don’t like”, and the insect that they took for a bag. At the end all students make sentences.

The class was interesting, but I consider that I need to control my emotions because some people consider that I look kind of angry .To finish I want to say the good things that my classmate and I did in this class. As an illustration, we use meaningful materials to have positives results in children; the listening was clear and interesting, the tone of voice was great, and the activities that we planned to use in our last class were nice.

jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2016

The Last Class Observation

Hi this is the last class that I observed in order to have a clear idea what kind of activities we as a future teacher can use or cannot use in a lesson. This class was for vocabulary, the topic that they though were “insects”. At the beginning, I considered that “insects” topic would be a boring, but children were paying attention and they focus on the vocabulary.

When the class stars, students were lost because the teacher stared to talk too much and they did understand. It means that with children the teacher need to learn how, to communicate with them because they will not pay attention and the get lost. Significantly, modelling is very important in teaching for children since they started the learning process.

The class was good, but my classmate can improve some little thigs to be better in their futures classes. For example: you must check every worksheet that you do during the class, we as teachers need to know the correct pronunciation for the vocabulary in order to have a good pronunciation in children. Also, teachers need to look for techniques that help us how to silent and manage the students group.

To finish I want to say the good things that my classmate did in this class. As an illustration, they use meaningful materials to have positives results in children; the tone of voice was great, and the activities that they use in the last parts of the lesson were nice.

domingo, 16 de octubre de 2016

My Second Class

In this class I felt very confident, I consider that I did a good job because I tried to speak clear and give the appropriate instructions in every activity. The class that I thought was vocabulary of famous professions.
I started the class doing a review of the previous topic “professions” with a song.  Then I presented the new vocabulary “the famous professions using the sentence “I am a…….” The vocabulary was pronounced as many as possible in order to get the appropriated pronunciation.

I believe that we as a teacher need to pay attention how students pronounce the words because that tell us if they will have a good pronunciation of the vocabulary in the activities that we will do.

Tips for proper pronunciation

Here are some tips for us as teachers to improve our pronunciation before we teach to children.
§  With every new word, you should look it up in the dictionary to find the correct pronunciation.
§  Listen to native speakers to get used to their accent. Instead of boring listening lessons, you can listen to English songs, watch movies or listen to your native English speaking friends and relatives.
§  Practice in front of a mirror and make sure you move your mouth in the correct way.
§  Do a lot of practices. Remember that practices make perfect.
§  Be patient and determined. The journey may be tough, but the result will be worth

Additionally, students did two activities in order to internalize the vocabulary; the first one was to recognize the word with the corresponding picture in pairs. The second was a worksheet where students wrote the messing letters, they work alone.

To finish the class children made a sentences using the vocabulary and the grammar structure “I am a ________”.

What could be improved?

Something that I can improve is the way how I interact with students because some kids feel nervous when I stay next to them. Moreover, after this new experience I realized that teachers can use other type of motivations in order to get the attention and interest of students. For example, say excellent, good job, good.

To finish, I have this website that I found; I hope that help you if you have any doubt in terms of what activities we can use to teach English for children:


domingo, 9 de octubre de 2016

Class Observation 2

That was a listening class. My classmate started the class with a hot potato activity to review the topic students had learned the last week. Then, the class continue presenting the though flashcard the vocabulary to introduce the listening that learners will use for the listening practices. Additionally, the teacher started playing the listening in order to finish some exercises that teacher give them to solved it. Then students worked in pairs and alone in which they did some excercise for the listening.

Interesting, must of the students paid attention to the activities that teacher prepared, but they got confused in one activity which students need pay attention and look for specific underline only one answer the second listening because the teacher did not give .

 What did not work?
The students started playing because my classmate had not have more practice for the listening. Also, the workship need to be more specific in terms of what the students will do.

What was good?
The teachers tried to monitor the students in the different activities and they were friendly with their students. the listening was clear and atractive for students.

What could be improved?
I believed that my classmates can give easier instruction in order to explain activates. Also teachers cannot speak in Spanish during the class, and teacher need to be more creative with the activities that students make in the production or to make sure that all the students understand the topic.

domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2016

My First Class

Class experience

 This was the first class which I teach with my classmate will, at the beginning I felt really nervous, excited and anxious to teach grammar for children; and I think that my classmate and I did a good job. But I consider that we can improve some things that can help out to be better in order to teach an English class. The class started giving some instructions to the students in order to pay attention when the teacher explains the activities; I consider that giving instructions before the class will be more meaningful because the students would be focused on the topic.

Also, the class continues presenting the grammar “it is” and “they are” though a poster and flash card about animals.  Additionally, to practice the grammar structure, will and I look for activities that force children to use the grammar structure in an unconsciously form. To make short,  I like how Will introduce the grammar structure because they tend to play or do other things that don’t help them during the class, but in this case students paid attention to him.

 “When you want to teach children to think, you begin by treating them seriously when they are little, giving them responsibilities, talking to them candidly, providing privacy and solitude for them, and making them readers and thinkers of significant thoughts from the beginning. That’s if you want to teach them to think.”  Bertrand Russell

Interesting, must of the students do the excercise in correct form, and they demonstrate interest about the grammar topic. To continuo, we use stickers to motivate the children and I consider that this motivation help in order to push kids to work .To finish the class, in a class activity students make sentences using the grammar structure.
 “I never teach my pupils, I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.”  Albert Einstein

 What were the good things?

I tried to monitor and pay attention to all the students in every activity that I assigned to them. Additionally, the activities that the kids did were good because in the “production stage” students would be able to create by themselves a sentence using a picture that I gave them in order to make them speak and internalize the grammar.
 Also, I try to use basic vocabulary to explain and give instruction. Finally, the materials were appropriated because of the size and colors; so materials helps students to recognize, remember and internalize the grammar topic in a better way.

What could be improved?

Something that I can improve is the way how making children to speak and practice the topic that I tough because some kids feel nervous when I force them to give me their examples. Moreover, after my experience I realized that use stickers in every activity to motivate your students help a lot but take time that teacher can use to other activity which help students to understand better that class.

To finish my opinion, teachers learns new thing from others and also from the mistakes that we did in every class, we develop the capacitive to recognize activities that can have positive result in our students.  

lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2016

Observation Class 1

Observation class

This was the first class which I observed and I think that my classmate did a good job, but I consider that they can improve some things that can help them to be better in order to teach an English class. The class started asking the student’s name, I think that activity was vital to start the class because we as teachers need to know the name of our students. Also, the class continue presenting the though flashcard the vocabulary and introduce a question “who is she or he?” that learners will use for the listening practices. Additionally, the teacher started reading aloud the story to his students then students worked in pairs in which they did some excercise for the listening.

Interesting, must of the students paid attention to the activities that teacher prepared. To finish the class, the teacher had explained to students that they would draw their family in order to present in front of one classmate using the vocabulary and the question “who is she or he?”.

 What did not work?

I think that the students got lost in the listening because the teacher read the story and learners didn’t pay attentional, so an easier listening with a CD player would be better.

What was good?
The teachers tried to monitor the students in the different activities and they were friendly with their students. Also, they exemplified the instructions on the board.

What could be improved?

I believed that my classmate can have easier instruction in order to explain activates. Also teachers cannot speak in Spanish during the class, so they can use mimic instead of Spanish or use a basic vocabulary to explain something, and teacher need to be more creative with the activities that students make in the production or to make sure that all the students understand the topic.

 To finish my opinion, teachers learns new thing from others and also from the mistakes that we did in every class, we develop the capacitive to recognize activates that can have positive result in our students.  

jueves, 18 de agosto de 2016

Workshop Experience Part Two !!!

Hello everybody, now I will share with you me experience about the second part for the workshop. To start, we inflate a balloon; Giovanny said that the balloon was our life, and we had to save it until someone else burst our balloons. Also, he explains to us that the violence is around us and is impossible to think that our futures students do not live in a violent environment.

Then, he developed other activity which helps us to project our voice and to pay attention in the addiction when we speaking in front others. As a group, I think my entire classmate enjoyed that activity because we learned new tongue twister, and we listened new stories that can help us to project our voice. According to the experience about the workshop I learned that sometimes improvisation is very important when kids has some dough and you do not known about the dough that young learners has, in this case you need to improvise.

In short, we finish with massage that a classmate gave us. To end the session, we discuss that we as a futures teacher has a big responsibility. I hope you learned something new for your  futures class.