jueves, 18 de agosto de 2016

Workshop Experience Part Two !!!

Hello everybody, now I will share with you me experience about the second part for the workshop. To start, we inflate a balloon; Giovanny said that the balloon was our life, and we had to save it until someone else burst our balloons. Also, he explains to us that the violence is around us and is impossible to think that our futures students do not live in a violent environment.

Then, he developed other activity which helps us to project our voice and to pay attention in the addiction when we speaking in front others. As a group, I think my entire classmate enjoyed that activity because we learned new tongue twister, and we listened new stories that can help us to project our voice. According to the experience about the workshop I learned that sometimes improvisation is very important when kids has some dough and you do not known about the dough that young learners has, in this case you need to improvise.

In short, we finish with massage that a classmate gave us. To end the session, we discuss that we as a futures teacher has a big responsibility. I hope you learned something new for your  futures class. 

miércoles, 17 de agosto de 2016

Workshop Experience Part One !!!

Hello everyone, today I will share with you my experience in the workshop that my teacher organizes for my group with an expert, his name is Geovanni. He starts with some activities in order to start. Sometimes some people have some problems when they speak in front other people.  Also, I observe that he had some activities that help us to project our tone of voice, and I discover that when you play with your voice rising up; we will catch instantly the attention of the students.

Furthermore, the workshop helped us to understand the important to be confidence and talkative in classes with children. We as a futures teacher’s need to project secure and our body language have to be the appropriate for the class, we cannot stat moving and moving because students tend to give nickname for teachers.


To conclude, let me tell you that I enjoyed the activities that we did as group. For example: the one that we needed to do a sound in order to call our partner. Additionally, I recognized that the teaching process is an opportunity and a big responsibility we are going to have, so we should work hard if we want to have good result in our futures class.

martes, 16 de agosto de 2016

Introducing Myself

Hello everybody, my name is Laura Cornejo, I’m 19 years old and. I am taking teaching practicum for kids with Ms. Giseelt. I have been studied languages since 2014 at Don Bosco University. Also, I study that because I love to teach others and see how they improve their selves by my help. I’m a friendly and talkative person. I am a ballerina since 2002 in the National School of Dance “Morena Celarie”; I practice around three and four hours every day. I’m a dancer teacher for kids on Saturdays; I have only girls in my class, and some of them are 7years old and the rest are 6 years old. According to my experience until now, working with kids is amazing because they are like sponge and they can do things that we as teacher think they cannot do.

 My expectation for this semester is to learn how to teach English for young learners using the corresponding activities and planning to develop in students a second language. Also, I want to create a good environment in my future classes where my students can feel good. I hope I can learn how to project my voice in front of kids. To finish, I create this blog to search my experience about teaching English for kids. I wish you will use some of the tips that my teacher said to me for teaching practicum for children.